Journey into the unknown

Autumn is here and during the early hours of the day the fog outside my window has been so thick I’ve been sure that the world beyond is lost to me. A few hours pass and the fog is lifted but a heavy rain batters against the windows all day long. I light a fire in the fireplace and put on an extra pair of socks. The weather has definitely matched my spirits these past few weeks.

Then I went to a very inspiring lecture with Jerry Engström, the founder of Friluftsbyn. The topic was “From Dream to Reality” and it truly opened up my eyes, mind and heart. It was a reminder that looking at it from a distance, fog can seem thick and impenetrable but once we decide to journey into the mists, one step at a time, our vision clears and one or several paths emerge.

A recent turn of events in my life left me feeling alone and lost. The future felt uncertain and not knowing anything left me feeling unsafe and actually pretty scared. A month or so has passed with me spending my days in bed crying, eating too much ice cream and binge-watching series on Netflix. Slowly I am beginning to feel acceptance of it all and suddenly this weekend I realized something. I was probably a bit lost even before things changed.

“I am finally ready to journey into the unknown and suddenly the fog is lifting”

A new chapter in my life is about to start and maybe I need to head into the fog and uncertainty in order to find my way back to me. Having this mindset makes it easier to relax and focus only on the here and now. I am taking it step by step, day by day. As a result, the path becomes clear and life seems to open up around me.

Taking control and making sure that my life moves forward, I feel new opportunities emerge. I am starting to see again and the sense of being lost fades. I feel ready to let go of the past and embrace this new chapter. Now I dare to journey into the unknown… And suddenly the fog is lifting.

To journey into the unknown Photo © Rania Rönntoft | Northbound Journeys |
This mossy green Smith The Roll Pack 25l from Millican recently arrived for me to borrow. I am to take part in The Traveling Bag Project and my plan is to take it on a Swedish adventure later this fall. I do not yet know where the journey will take me but I am sure that the bag and I will have a wonderful time together.

It is such an honor to work with Millican since I am very fond of their bags. They have a nice, minimalistic look to them and fit everything I need whilst being pretty lightweight.

➵ In this post you get a better look at my Marsden the Camera Pack 32l

Millican produces this bag using only a few panels of weatherproof Bionic® Canvas which means less seams and more durability. It’s 57% recycled and 30% stronger than regular canvas! It  contains no plastic, the buckles are made from strong aluminium instead. I love that they have managed to find such a good balance between looks and functionality whilst also caring for the environment.

I cannot wait to grab my camera, pack some essentials and an extra knitted sweater or blanket and just head out the front door and into whatever awaits!

Where will you go next, and do you dare to journey into the mist?

To journey into the unknown Photo © Rania Rönntoft | Northbound Journeys |

To journey into the unknown Photo © Rania Rönntoft | Northbound Journeys |

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  1. Du finns i mina tankar och jag blir lika berörd av dina fotografier och texter gång på gång. Tack för din ärlighet och för att jag får följa med in i dina tankar en bit på vägen.

    1. Åh tack Wilda <3 Jag saknar min kontakt med er men jag har inte haft så mycket att skriva om, inget har känts relevant nog och bloggen har fått vila medan jag jobbat med annat samt försökt se till att livet rört sig framåt. Tack för att du kikar in här och för dina ord om det jag delar med mig av, självklart får du alltid följa med!

  2. Just nu resonerar dina ord starkt i mitt egna liv.. Går inte igenom lika stora
    förändringar som du men har likt dig liksom ingen aning om vart jag är på väg.. det jag dock med hela hjärtat känner är att just de små steg jag ändå tar varje dag är de jag måste ta och faktiskt det enda som får mig att känna mig vid liv.
    ❤️ massa styrka till dig, ibland klarar man sig faktiskt utan kompass!

    1. Åh, vad fint att höra att de gör det. Tack Josefin. De där små stegen är faktiskt de allra viktigaste, och det enda sättet att ta sig framåt – det går inte att ta ett jättekliv och hoppa över en massa. Tänk så mycket man missar! Låter underbart att du ändå känner att du faktiskt tar de där små stegen och att de leder åt rätt håll. Jag hoppas det fortsätter så <3 Tack, och detsamma - det gör man verkligen! (jag är ändå inte så bra på att använda en kompass haha)